In my work, I often reflect on the construction of gender of which I was part during my early 20's working as a fashion model. From my experience dressing up as standard depictions of womanhood I often wore a custom that felt debilitating. I explore these mutations of female identity that have morphed into visual pleasure preceded by a history of men being the
defining voice of beauty, and women the object of it.
During my research, I met with women who work as performers on a peep booth in a sex shop in Manhattan. I wrote a fictional narrative informed by my impressions and the experiences shared with them.
While I was writing the film, I was inspired by the story of Medusa, who would turn the men who looked at her into stone. But Angelica is not a Gorgon. She struggles with becoming that
sexual fantasy men see in her. In this film, Angelica’s agency and power are contested through her sight.